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Testimonial – Linda Gibson

“Dr. Gordon, he did the surgery and the pain is gone. And I can walk. I’m really glad I had that surgery. It gave me the ability to really get my life back to where it was before. You don’t realize until you have difficulties what mobility is.”

Testimonial – Tim Peavy

“When I came out of surgery, I reached down to my left leg and I looked at Deb. I said, ‘There’s no pain. This feels great!’ And it did. You know for it being less than 24 hours out of surgery. And to be straight and to walk without any pain? I’m telling you what, I still can’t describe it.”

Testimonial – Steve Schwartzer

“It got to a point where I physically couldn’t turn and it just continued on and the pain was intensifying. It was hard to walk; it was hard to sit – I just had to say, ‘This is not going to work. I gotta find something that will cure it.’ And that is when I found Dr. Gordon.”

Testimonial – Bill Bender

“For the past 15 years, Dr. Corbett and Nurse Kelly have kept me moving. They’ve enabled me to continue to follow the lifestyle that I love. They’ve worked with me, worked around my schedule and have been fantastic. My faith in them and in Baldwin Bone & Joint is just increased over the years.”

Testimonial – Barbara Scott

“The doctors here at Baldwin Bone & Joint have really made an impact in my life. With the treatment that I got I am able to go to work, I’m not thinking about the pain in my hip and it’s just really made a difference in my life.”